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美国化学学会为想要进入化学领域的合格申请者提供奖学金, 生物化学, 或者化学工程, 以及攻读两年制化学技术学位的学生. 这些项目旨在鼓励非裔美国人, 拉美裔, 以及美国印第安学生攻读化学科学和化学技术的本科学位.
(ALFP) - This program is an outstanding opportunity for fellowship support for women and minority students in science 和工程 disciplines relevant to the business of AT&T. 鼓励学生在学士学位毕业前一年申请. This program combines the former "Graduate Research Program for Women" and "Cooperative Research Fellowship Program" run by the former AT&T贝尔实验室.
(URP) - Women and minority students who are juniors and non-graduating seniors in science 和工程 fields may apply for positions in this program run within AT&T实验室. 这是原AT著名的“暑期网赌论坛有哪些计划”的延续&T贝尔实验室.


网赌论坛有哪些生课程的目的是录取, 火车, 希望从事基础生物医学网赌论坛有哪些、医学院和大学教师的网赌论坛有哪些生科学家. 我们的一些毕业生也从事工业和生物技术方面的职业. 13个学术部门或培训项目提供网赌论坛有哪些生学习,导致哲学博士学位:听力学 & 生物声学,生物化学,心血管科学,分子与细胞生物学,细胞 & 分子生物学,发育生物学,微生物学 & 免疫学、分子与人类遗传学、分子生理学 & 生物物理学、分子病毒学、神经科学、药理学和结构学 & 计算生物学.


This Fermilab summer program focuses on giving opportunities in science and technology to the minorities which historically have been underrepresented in science in the United States of America. 该项目面向目前就读于美国四年制大学的本科生.
物理专业提供实习机会, 电气工程, 计算机编程和机械工程. These internships offer a chance for approximately twenty college students to work with Fermilab scientists or engineers on a project within the context of laboratory research.
奖学金政策办公室 & 全球事务
PGA奖学金办公室管理博士预科, 论文, 以及网赌论坛有哪些型网赌论坛有哪些领域的博士后奖学金项目.


盖茨千年网赌论坛有哪些项目, 成立于1999年, 最初由《网赌论坛有哪些》拨款10亿元资助 & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会. The goal of GMS is to promote academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for outstanding minority students with significant financial need to reach their highest potential.


我们在这个网站上列出了大约80个项目. 为了便于网赌论坛有哪些,我们按州列出了这些项目. 每个描述都包含程序的名称, 合适的日期, 最后期限, 资格要求和项目代表.
The Hope campus typically has about 100 students from Hope College and other 大专院校 doing research in the natural sciences and 数学 during the summer. 这里有大量的娱乐机会,附近有西密歇根海滩. 将与同时参加REU物理课程的学生一起计划联合社交活动, 计算机科学, 生物学, 和化学.
通过对个人和机构的资助, HHMI支持科学家和教育工作者的努力, 大专院校, 博物馆, 生物医学网赌论坛有哪些组织. 这些资助正在改变进行网赌论坛有哪些以及教授和理解科学的方式.


IBM正在接受暑期实习和合作教育职位的简历. 在IBM的主要办公地点有从事电气工程的机会, 计算机工程和计算机科学专业的学生. 在美国各地也有其他技术和商业机会.S.
有兴趣申请IBM的学生可以访问学校的招聘网站, 为何工作 提交简历. 另一种递交表格的方法是邮寄至:


这个为期10周的暑期项目介绍本科生, 应届毕业生, 医学专业的学生, 博士和医学博士/博士生, 与博士后网赌论坛有哪些相关联的是临床网赌论坛有哪些的独特挑战和要求. By bringing together "students" at all of these levels of 火车ing each will also become connected with others who are further along the ladder of success.
罗纳德·E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate成就计划由美国教育部资助.S. 教育部, 高等教育课程, 并旨在增加低收入者的数量, 追求并完成博士学位的第一代少数族裔大学生. 它的长期使命是帮助增加学院和大学师资的多样性.
少数民族医学教育计划(MMEP)将提供暑期教育经验,以帮助有前途的, 积极上进的少数民族学生可以被医学院录取.


The NHSC offers the SEARCH - Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health - programs for students and residents interested in getting first-hand experience in under-served areas.
NRC不断参与推动这些项目,以确保科学界的所有成员, 包括未被充分代表的少数族裔, 是否意识到这个独特的机会.
美国国家科学基金会将颁发大约900个新的网赌论坛有哪些生网赌论坛有哪些奖学金,以支持网赌论坛有哪些生在科学领域的学习, 数学, 和工程. The NSF contracts with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) to provide the support services for this prestigious fellowship program.
New York State Regents Professional Opportunity Scholarships are awarded to students who are enrolled in an approved program that leads to licensure in a profession designated by the New York State Commissioner of Education. 奖学金最多可在四年的学习期间续期, 但POS奖励的接受者必须同意, 以书面形式, 在纽约州(获得奖学金的专业)执业一年,每年支付一笔奖金.
马萨诸塞大学伍斯特校区有许多网赌论坛有哪些奖学金和实习机会. 这个特别的项目是由学校服务副校长办公室赞助的. 它是由美国国立非裔美国人卫生网赌论坛有哪些院资助的, 印第安人, 拉美裔和亚裔. 它的主要目的是吸引少数民族学生进入心脏领域的生物医学和行为网赌论坛有哪些事业, lung and blood disorders; increase the already short supply of qualified minority investigators; and increase the number of minority applicants to the Graduate 学校 of Biomedical Science and Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.


普林斯顿大学网赌论坛有哪些生院为非裔美国人提供了一个暑期网赌论坛有哪些项目, 拉美裔, 和印第安人本科生一起学习九周. 学生必须已完成大学三年级或二年级的学业, GPA最好在3分以上.5级或以上,并有希望进入网赌论坛有哪些生院学习. 参加普林斯顿大学暑期网赌论坛有哪些体验项目的学生将获得3750美元的现金津贴, 差旅费高达500美元, 该项目将支付1200美元的住宿费.


The Institute of Ecosystem Studies Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program gives students what for most is their first opportunity to become part of a research community. 由国家科学基金会和安德鲁W. 梅隆基金会, the program involves many students from underrepresented groups and from colleges that don't provide undergraduate research opportunities.


MSSOP will provide students with ten weeks of research experience conducted with a faculty member at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 除了网赌论坛有哪些培训, 学生将参加一个特别的研讨会/讲座系列与其他大学生一起在爱因斯坦的暑假. The goal is to introduce students to the broad research environment of a major academic medical center as well as to provide 火车ing in a specific field of biomedical investigation.
该计划旨在让参与者接触医学相关的网赌论坛有哪些和学术医学的职业选择. 学生与教师网赌论坛有哪些人员一起进行各种网赌论坛有哪些项目. 参与的教师来自不同的学科,如药理学,神经生物学和心脏病学. 该计划的长期目标是提高参与者进入网赌论坛有哪些生或卫生专业学校的竞争力.
每年夏天, the Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical 科学 at New York University 医学院 sponsors a research internship program in the basic medical sciences for undergraduate students. 该计划的目的是培养高素质的学生, 有兴趣从事生物医学科学事业的人(医学博士或博士), 进行网赌论坛有哪些的机会, 同时在一个大型网赌论坛有哪些中心接触到令人兴奋的学术医学环境.


The Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program For Premedical Minority Students is designed to give participants deeper insights into the wide range of options that exist for minority physicians. 该项目特别针对来自医学领域代表性不足的少数族裔的学生.
Twenty-five minority premedical college students get a preliminary look at medical school life in the Weill Medical College's Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program For Premedical Minority Students. 通过实验室或临床网赌论坛有哪些的经验, 课堂讲座, 关于公共卫生问题的研讨会, 由不同专业的医生进行实践讨论, 对医院护理的观察, 大学生对医学职业的需求和机会都有了更清晰的认识.


NIH offers an innovative program to support the career development of the next generation of biomedical health researchers-an undergraduate scholarship for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The College Fund/UNCF and The Merck Company Foundation have established scholarship awards for outstanding African American students pursuing studies and careers in the field of biomedical research. 每年至少颁发37个奖项,其中15个为本科生, 12个网赌论坛有哪些生阶段, 10名博士后. 该计划还通过向获奖者的科学部门提供赠款来提供机构支持. The UNCF-Merck Science Initiative is dedicated to expanding the pool of world-class African American biomedical scientists to achieve the complementary goals of national economic competitiveness and social diversity.
The 网赌论坛有哪些's Student Fellowships Office coordinates the application process for the following national and international fellowship opportunities:
  • 拜内克纪念奖学金
  • 富布赖特奖学金
  • 卢斯奖学金
  • 马歇尔奖学金
  • 梅隆人文网赌论坛有哪些奖学金
  • 罗兹奖学金
  • 哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金
The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center offers a ten week program during the summer where students gain intensive hands-on laboratory experience under the direction of seasoned faculty researchers and teachers.